The Sky Factory
Sky Factory is leading company in the area of creating authentic illusion of nature. The company is specialized in transforming closed area into a place of consent, openness and wellbeing. They provide both illusion for ceiling and windows. Their latest addition is the digital cinema.
The sky is humanity's most universal experience of nature. No matter who we are or where we really live, we all see and love the sky. Virtually everyone, in every culture, has experienced lying on their back and looking up into clouds floating across a blue sky and significantly it affects us all in a similar way.
What Sky Factory Is?
Sky factory transform confined interiors into spaces of natural beauty and freshness through authentic illusions of real nature.
Sky factory products have been installed in thousands of healthcare establishment worldwide to make patients feel less depressed and helps patients in healing themselves and sky factory plays a vital role in health care industry.
Usage of sky elevator transforms the standard ceiling grid into structure which looks to a mind to the mind like the extrusions used to support a real sky.
Product Types
- LUMINOUS RECTILINEAR : are virtual skylights for enclosed spaces
- LUMINOUS 360 SKYCEILING: dramatize the illusion of nature in an enclosed space
- LUMINOUS ELLIPTOCAL SKYCEILING: provide a distinctive elements for any space
- CUSTOM SHAPE: we are happy to help you create unique solution for your ceiling and wall projects
- LUMINOUS VIRTUAL WINDOW: authentic illusions of wilderness scenes for walls that promote the positive benefits associated with viewing images of nature.
- PROGRAMMABLE SKYCEILING: change; color-light-time ; this new virtual skylight recreates and stimulates the rising and setting of the sun, even following the season. it offers kinetic, high level healing tool and light therapy. it may have application for Parkinson's patients and other neurological diseases.
Product Types
- Decrease metabolic rate, slows heart beats and relaxes muscles, slows breathing, decreases blood pressure.
- Demonstrate hospital commitment to quality service.
- Transform enclosed rooms into more spacious feeling.
- Transform every patients bed into oasis of comfort beneath a soft blue sky.
- Increase patient satisfaction and appreciation.
- Improve health outcome with proven influence of natural scenery.
- Reduce costs and increase patients referrals.
- Establish market differentiations.